All this info is basically from Titanfall 1 why does it matter? Now why does any of these classes matter you might ask. Being the most maneuverable class means your extremely mobile and have a lot of option to weave in and out of battle. Sporting a low 7,500 health, life expectancy is short however if you play smart, this can last a long time. Extremely agile and mobile, good for outmaneuvering every class however it is the weakest of all the classes. Stryder Class titan is the lightest class in the game. Life expectancy is about average since you have alot of options to choose, good for about every situation. A titan you will see alot on the battlefield. Armed with a variety of rifles for each class, having a health pool of 10,000. Balanced in all things: Average agility, Average health, Average speed. Use them wisely!Ītlas Class Titan is the middle class. However if you reckless with them, it can essentially be a useless titan. With only one dash but depending on the situation and titans on the field they can last for a long time if used properly and wisely. Ogre Class Titan is the heaviest class in the game, Although the titan is very slow and movements are limited, they usually armed with heavy weapons and a large health pool of 12,500.

Titans are divided into three different variants: Lets take a brief look into the titan classes
Giving you a better look into the titans you are using and how to use them properly!

This understanding may help you approach titan v. Welcome to a basic in-depth guide of understanding your each titan class in the game.